Newhaven College, Rhyll (28 total)
NEAL, Eliza Billie
3 total (Sum: 132)
- Literature: 41
- Physics: 45
- Psychology: 46
KERSHAW, Ysabel Claire
3 total (Sum: 123)
- Literature: 40
- Psychology: 43
- Studio Arts: 40
FRASER, Aaron Alexander
2 total (Sum: 94)
- English: 45
- Health and Human Development: 49
THOMPSON, Jorgie Mae
2 total (Sum: 91)
- English: 41
- Legal Studies: 50
2 total (Sum: 86)
- Mathematics - Mathematical Methods: 46
- Mathematics - Specialist Mathematics: 40
CARLSON, Brittany
2 total (Sum: 83)
- English: 42
- Psychology: 41
KNIGHT, Jessica Sophie
2 total (Sum: 82)
- English: 42
- Studio Arts: 40
ALLEN, Nicola Monique
2 total (Sum: 81)
- Health and Human Development: 41
- Psychology: 40
DICKIE, Bonny Curtis
2 total (Sum: 80)
- Physical Education: 40
- Psychology: 40
CONROY, Emma Jane
1 total (Sum: 44)
- VCE VET Music Performance: 44
1 total (Sum: 42)
- Outdoor and Environmental Studies: 42
DRAZZI, Olivia
1 total (Sum: 41)
- Mathematics - Further Mathematics: 41
RONEY, Lily Alice
1 total (Sum: 41)
- Environmental Science: 41
WHITE, Ella Grace
1 total (Sum: 41)
BOX, Aiden James
1 total (Sum: 40)
- Outdoor and Environmental Studies: 40
CHISHOLM, Mitchell Mcpherson
1 total (Sum: 40)
STEET, Madison Jane
1 total (Sum: 40)